New Year’s resolutions for motorists

19 December, 2018

We all start off with the best of intentions just after the festive season don’t we? And much of it revolves around taking better care of ourselves; we want to get fitter, lose weight, stop smoking, drinking, swearing… you know the kind of thing? Of course, habits of a lifetime are hard to break, but how about starting with something that’s far simpler to achieve like giving your vehicle a little more TLC or even TLC?

If you fancy ticking things off your 2019 ‘to do’ list, then why not start here:

Performing regular car checks
You may not fancy doing this every month, but the more you do it, the faster and easier it becomes. It’s only checking tyre pressures and engine oil levels and taking a look around the vehicle to make sure all the lights are working.

Don’t phone and drive
Since April 2017 it’s been illegal to use a handheld mobile phone, but how often do we see people at the wheel deep in conversation, hand clamped to an ear? Don’t use your phone  unless it’s hands-free, and even if you do, why not turn off your phone every time you get in the car? Do you really need to talk to your friends, conduct business or check your messages at 70 mph?

Parallel parking
It’s often said that really learning to drive starts once you’ve passed your test, yet parking, especially parallel parking is a skill many of us would love to improve upon. And you can; hone your skills by asking for help from a driving school or a friend who’s brilliant at reverse parking. The more you do it, the less fear it holds.

Overcome fear of motorway driving
According to research conducted by, 8M motorists use the motorway only rarely and  380,000 avoid them altogether. There are many who just don’t need to use the motorways, but others find them an unsettling environment. These days they’re hard to avoid if you want to get from A to B easily and faster, but if you have the fear or you just don’t feel confident, call a driving school or a friend who uses the motorway all the time, and get some practical experience.

Keep calm
It’s odd how driving affects your emotions. Even the most mild-mannered person can become an unforgiving motorist or, worse still, a maniac filled with uncontrollable rage. Remember, no other motorist can actually nip into that 20 centimetre gap you’ve left between your car and the one in front, and it’s never worth undertaking because the traffic isn’t moving fast enough for you (and you won’t get to where you’re going any quicker). How much better to be kind, keep calm and carry on driving safely.